In today’s cyber world, the internet users are exposed to a number of cyber security threats. Snooping and hacking, especially, have become increasingly common and online privacy has become a rare commodity. As an icing on the cake, the UK government introduced a bill named ‘UK ISP Internet Snooping Act’ last year which would now allow intelligence agencies and the police to snoop or hack into anyone’s computer. With mere to no resistance from the parliament or the common people, this bill ‘Extreme Surveillance’ is only one of the many reasons why the internet users need a Virtual Private Network (VPN) in 2017 to get most of their privacy back. To educate you about VPNs and online privacy, here are a few essential reasons Why ShouldYou Use a VPN in 2017:
- Prevention from Tracking of Data: The simplest yet most essential thing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) does is that it prevents your data from being tracked. You can safely surf the internet, make calls, send emails, and even use your social media account securely. A VPN also prevents search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo from tracking and saving your search queries.
- Safety and Security on Public Wi-Fi: Public Wi-Fi are always tempting because they are open and free. But these sorts of independent networks come with a number of cyber security threats, hacking, snooping, and data theft being on the top of the list. A VPN, on the other hand, makes the network secure for you to safely surf the internet and keep your data safe.
- Bypass the Internet Censorship: Many countries including the UK place internet censorship as a crackdown on unwanted websites. But if you still want to visit such sites then a VPN would allow you to bypass such censorships and make the whole internet open for you.
- Safe Uploads to the Cloud: If your device, be it a laptop or mobile device, has been snooped then whatever you upload to the cloud can be tracked and even stolen. But the use of a VPN secures all such uploads and brings back the much-needed privacy for all the internet users.
- Private Downloads: If you download torrents but don’t want your ISP to be logged then using a VPN might work wonders for you. Because a number of law companies are always on the lookout for users who share content on the internet so that such law companies can accuse such users of copyright infringement. Most of the times, their accusations turn out to be false and baseless.
- Prevention from UK ISP Internet Snooping Act: As mentioned earlier the post, the UK ISP Internet Snooping Act is a real thing and you would definitely want to keep your online privacy instead of giving it away to intelligence agencies and the police. Therefore, a VPN would keep you safe and secure.
- Because Online Privacy is Your Basic Right: Finally, you must have a VPN because online privacy is the basic right of each and every citizen of the world. Happy surfing!
Looking to get a trusted Virtual Private Network (VPN) at a fair price?
Private Internet Access (https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/) is a VPN service that encrypts your connection and provides you with an anonymous IP to protect your privacy.
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ke others, they keep no logs
- On testing they performing as very well in regards to streaming as well as general usage
- You can share your subscription on up to 5x machines